Free coaching for Programs

Family child care owners and administrators of out-of-school time and center programs are eligible for free coaching to learn ways to improve or fine tune their early care and education business.

Free coaching services offered by PDCs focus on supporting leadership and overall program quality.

Some of the most common reasons why family child care owners and program directors and administrators sign up to work with a skilled coach include:

  • Finding more efficient and cost-effective ways to manage administrative responsibilities

  • Creating programs that are welcoming and inclusive of racially and linguistically diverse children and families

  • Improving fiscal and business practices

  • Choosing and using curriculum

  • Educator wellness

  • Implementing reflective practice strategies

  • Supporting children with diverse learning needs

  • Observing and documenting learning and development

  • Improving communication with families

  • Understanding health and safety practices

When working with a coach you will identify program needs, create SMART goals and implement protocols to help accomplish the SMART goals. Collaboratively the program leader and coach will determine frequency and duration of coaching. You will learn about local resources and test strategies to support continuous quality improvement at your program. 

Coaching is offered in Cantonese, English, Mandarin, Portuguese, and Spanish. Reach out to your regional Professional Development Center (PDC) at the links below:


“I don’t understand why every director doesn’t take advantage of coaching. It’s really taken some of the burden off of me because now policies are written the way that they should be, staff has been trained the way that they should be and I know that help is just a phone call away if I have any questions or want more mentoring.”

Deanna Donnelly, Director of education for the Gurukul Learning Center in Chelmsford.